Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Noodle Queen

The "Noodle Queen". 
Queen of the noodle pups. 
Actually, she's the only noodle pup.

Drawn with ink and brush while i hung out with Rachel, who was doing actual work in her studio.

"Hot Leather" Record Release poster

Poster drawn for my pal Ethan, for the Record Release show for New Turks' new EP "Hot Leather". Drawn in ink, brush, dip pen, and tooth brush. Scanned in to darken it.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Jerri Blank shirts

I also printed  Jerri Blank shirts and sold them at Zine Fest. I was pretty stoked on how well they went over. I've got only one left, size small.

Cereal Death: Issue One

Patrick and I both made smal zines in a week (actually 2 or 3 days) for this year's Zine Fest. It was cool to finally participate in one of these. These are a few pages from my zine. Everything was done in Ink and Brush.