Friday, August 23, 2013

Drawn a week or two ago using all ink and brush, at 4am when i couldn't fall asleep. This was then watercolored the next day. I'm trying to get better at using color in my stuff. We'll see how it goes.
Drawing that's in limbo right now. Pretty obvious Pettibon influence in this one.

Olive's Birthday Bash

This is a drawing of Olive on a scooter for her courier job. This was drawn in pen, cleaned up a little in photoshop and made into 1" buttons for Olive's birthday party this summer. This design was then used for a tshirt and stickers by my friends Big Awesome.

Salinas Records 10 Year Anniversary Show


 PS Eliot

 Little Lungs
The Ambulars

The Salinas Anniversary show ruled. I was excited to finally see Little Lungs, after getting into them so late. I can't count the amount of times i've listened to "Hoist Me Up" on repeat, I love that record start to finish. I was also looking forward to seeing the Ambulars, Swearin' and PS Eliot again. 
Before this it had been a while since i'd gone to a show and discovered new bands that i really liked. I was only familar with less than half of the lineup, and i ended up enjoying almost every band. 

I wish i had taken some photos of All Dogs. And i wish some of these photos had turned out better in general. I've still got a lot to learn using film with a flash. 

But at the end of the day... i finally saw Little Lungs.